Magistrate Wins Court Ruling on Corruption in Ministry of Justice


Summary:                The inter-governmental Sovereign Court of International Justice (SCIJ) issued a Judgment against corruption in the Ministry of Justice of Zambia.  The High Court ruling vindicated a Magistrate, Kunda Maggie Tantameni, who was wrongfully charged on falsified evidence and prosecuted by political motivations by corrupt Judiciary officials.  The Judgment found the Ministry liable for “abuse of power” by corruption, including failure to operate its constitutional Judicial Complaints Commission thereby depriving the public of “access to justice” against corruption.


Quotable:               “Any corruption used to attack a Judge, is an attack against the Independent Judiciary… which is an attack against The People, as an attack against the Rule of Law itself.” – Prince Judge Matthew of Thebes, Chief of Judiciary Security


Press Release:       The Magistrate Kunda Maggie Tantameni, falsely charged with alleged theft of drugs from a Courthouse, was vindicated by a Judgment of the Sovereign Court of International Justice (SCIJ), which found that she was illegally prosecuted by corrupt Judiciary officials driven by political motivations, and ruled that the Zambian Ministry of Justice committed “abuse of power” by depriving the public of “access to justice” against such corrupt Judiciary officials.


The Chief of Judiciary Security of the Office of Inspector General (OIG), Prince Judge Matthew of Thebes, emphasized the socio-political significance of the Court ruling:

“Any corruption used to attack a Judge, is an attack against the Independent Judiciary internationally, which is an attack against The People, as an attack against the Rule of Law itself.  Any enforcement action… by the Independent Judiciary [is thus] an action by and for The People, to restore and uphold the Rule of Law internationally.”


“This principle – of international unity for Justice against corruption – is best expressed by the bell on the Honey Fitz yacht of the American President John F. Kennedy, who most famously declared the fight against governmental corruption worldwide, which displayed the inscription:  ‘Where We Go One We Go All’.”


The Judiciary Security Agency (JSA) of the High Court, in a cover letter to the Zambian Ministry of Justice delivering the Judgment, explained the strategic national security significance of the Judgment as essential to maintaining stability of the country:

“The importance of Justice free from corruption is best expressed by the protest chant which originated among African Americans ca. 1986, ‘No Justice – No Peace’, derived from the declaration of King James I of England ca. 1604, ‘No Bishop – No King’.  Just as a Bishop was needed for Coronation of a King, upholding Justice has always been the essential Crown of authority for all Government agencies.”


“Since the beginning of recorded human history, a Justice system free from corruption has always been the underlying and overriding condition of the Social Contract, as the primary basis of authority for all Government agencies.  Without access to fair and equal Justice, protected by regulation ensuring an impartial and independent Judiciary, the Social Contract is broken.”


The case began in May 2018 when drugs were found missing from an evidence facility of the Lusaka Magistrates Subordinate Court, from at least 6 different criminal trials of 6 different Magistrates in the same Courthouse.  Zambian Ministry of Justice officials illegally filed a police complaint and brought false criminal charges against only one of the Magistrates, Kunda Maggie Tantameni.  The subsequent prosecution from September 2018 circumvented both the Constitution and the Judicial Code of Conduct Act of Zambia, which strictly require that all accusations against Judges must be filed exclusively with the Judicial Complaints Commission of the Ministry.


The SCIJ High Court Judgment found that the only single piece of evidence against the Magistrate was admittedly “self-evidently false and artificially manufactured by forgery”, and that the Zambian Court wrongfully “ignored determinative exculpatory evidence” proving her innocence.


The Judgment ruled that “the Ministry of Justice did nothing to restore or reassert its Judiciary Complaints Authority function”, enabling “corrupt political motivations for circumventing Ministry authority by illegal and unconstitutional false process against a Judge.”


The Judgment emphasized that “By failing to restore or reassert its authority for Judiciary Complaints, the Ministry of Justice essentially abdicated its official responsibilities, depriving the general public of rights of Access to Justice against corrupt Abuse of Power by Judiciary officials.”


The SCIJ High Court ruled that “Defendant is liable for Seven Counts of Abuse of Power” under international law, by violations of judiciary immunity, judiciary confidentiality, judiciary security, equal protection of law, equal access to justice, disregarding exculpatory evidence, and failure to prosecute abuse of power by corrupt officials.


About the Institution:     The Sovereign Court of International Justice (SCIJ) is an official Court of Law and international Court of Justice of the independent Judiciary profession, with universal jurisdiction, as a High Court at Common Law for human rights and international law cases.  SCIJ is recognized as an “inter-governmental organization” (IGO) by United Nations Registration No. 666976.  It exercises inherent statutory powers and supra-governmental authorities of the Judiciary under the UN framework of conventional law, which is binding upon all countries regardless of recognition (UN Independence of Judiciary, Preamble: 1, 10, Articles 3, 4, 7; UN Law of Treaties, Article 38).


The Sovereign Court (SCIJ) is the first human rights Court to allow citizens to assert rights against any country, the first to allow claims of “first instance” without “exhausting domestic remedies”, and the first to provide meaningful enforcement mechanisms.


Press Agency:  The facts and contents of this authorized Press Release are certified and reported by Barristers of the Magna Carta Bar Chambers (MCBC), an international law firm and university law center supporting projects of public interest of its institutional and governmental clients, licensed by multiple governments including the inter-governmental organization (IGO) Ignita Veritas United.